Check out some of the answers to the most frequently asked questions about Syspro ERP systems from our customers. Identify the questions you should ask when looking for ERP solutions and find out the specifics of the solutions we recommend to manufacturers and distributors.

Questions about SYSPRO ERP

Naturally, costs will vary depending on several factors: what modules you choose, the number of users and the quantity and quality of your existing data. It also depends on whether you are choosing to deploy in the cloud or on-premise. Affordability is one of SYSPRO’s core values, so we can work with you on making the most of your investment today and in the future as you grow.

SYSPRO ERP is built on Microsoft .NET using XML and HTML5 standards. Data is stored in a secure Microsoft SQL database. In addition, SYSPRO ERP’s architecture is unique because it is based on a single code base, rather than being a mixture of different applications acquired over time. The software is developed around business objects, components or blocks of code that represent a specific set of business rules and processes. This means it is easy to extend with new
modules and easy to connect with third-party applications.

For many companies, moving their IT infrastructure and software to the cloud reduces the need for in-house support structure and saves the cost of server hardware. Cloud-based ERP can be easier to scale functionality and users either up or down as required. And, it can often make it easier to share information across regions or locations. However, for some companies, you might not be ready to cede security to a third party and prefer an on-premise solution, and that’s okay with us, too. We’re one of the few software providers that offers flexibility for our customers and still provides on-premise ERP solutions. We help you choose based on your unique organizational requirements.

Questions about DATASCOPE WMS

Like SYSPRO, the software component varies based on what modules you choose and the number of users. A small 5-user distribution warehouse would require approximately $20K USD of software. The WMS software operates on Android devices which are available in many models with various features, but in general represent an investment of $1K per unit. Add services to that and you have an automated warehouse.

DATASCOPE supports both Windows Mobile devices as well as Android devices. Windows Mobile development has come to end of life, but these devices can be used on DATASCOPE WMS until it is economical to replace them with Android devices.

The ultimate goal of any DATASCOPE project is to optimize your processes so the main payback is increasing your plant or warehouse capacity to handle a larger volume of business without increasing resources. Accuracy and validation leads to less returns or fines, so these costs are reduced drammatically.